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Pure Consciousness

In my recent post regarding temptations of 2019, I described how my “inner voice” made the difference in assessing good arguments on either side of an issue. Deepak Chopra would call that inner voice “pure consciousness.” He writes,

“Pure consciousness is the level of all solutions. This may sound exaggerated, but once you decide to consciously evolve, the truth of pure consciousness steadily becomes clearer and clearer. Pure consciousness is the field of all possibilities, where every challenge is joined to the best possible outcome. Every spiritual tradition holds this to be true, even though different words are used to describe the field of pure consciousness, such as God, satori, spirit, and Brahman.”

Whether it is God, our inner voice or pure consciousness, we must quiet our minds to hear, discern, decide, and act or not act. Continue reading to learn how Chopra shows how pure consciousness can help us make positive changes in this new year:

“Out with the Old, In with the New” Can Be Real, by Deepak Chopra 

With Love,

P. Gustav Mueller, author of The Present