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67 Year Old Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary Wins with Intermittent Fasting for Best Life Now!

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After being diagnosed with high blood pressure, 67 year old millionaire businessman and CNBC Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary commenced intermittent fasting to lose weight.

“I fast for 16 hours everyday so basically, I don’t eat breakfast,” Mr. O’Leary said. “I have my meal at 7 or 8 at night, maybe a little later, and then I don’t eat again until around 1 in the afternoon the next day. It was hell for the first 3 weeks, and now I’m never hungry,” he said. Also, he has cut back on drinking alcohol, increased his consumption of salads and fresh fish, and does some sort of physical activity every day.

The results for Mr. O’leary? He’s dropped 20 pounds of weight! He is now 164 pounds at 5′ 10″. In April 2021, I began intermittent fasting in the same manner as Mr. O’Leary. I posted on my blog at the time, “I am experimenting with intermittent fasting. From what I have researched, ketosis begins about twelve hours after eating. Ketosis is when the body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to burn so instead it burns fat for energy. Ketosis picks up steam around sixteen hours after eating. Accordingly, I have been skipping “the most important meal of the day”: breakfast. After I finish dinner between 7 – 8pm most nights, I don’t eat again until at least noon, the next day. That gives me at least sixteen hours when I’m not eating, some time for ketosis. I also try to work in exercise during the fasting period for extra fat burn.

I’ve eaten breakfast maybe a handful of mornings since April, and those were for special occasions. Like Mr. O’Leary, I’m no longer hungry for breakfast. Skipping morning grazing has kept my weight down. I was around 175 pounds prior to intermittent fasting; now I’m under 160 pounds. Similar to Mr. O’Leary’s case, mindful eating habits, minimal alcohol consumption, and exercise also help me stay healthy. Read more about M. O’Leary’s simple yet powerful lifestyle changes and be inspired, here:

Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary on how he lost weight: ‘Now I’m never hungry’

With Love,

P. Gustav Mueller, Author of The Present