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Metabolism of a Middle-aged Man: Stop the Blame Game for Best Life Now!

senior sportsman training with jump rope on stadium

“It’s a generally accepted belief that as you age, your resting metabolism slows–especially over age 40. Not true, says a new paper published in Science. By analyzing data from nearly 6,500 people ranging in age from infancy to elderly, the paper’s authors determined that resting metabolism holds steady from age 20 to 60 before logging a decrease of less than 1% per year thereafter.”

CNN Health continues, “When asking yourself why you feel like your metabolism has slowed down with age, you should also question whether your daily activity level has slowed down….. Experts point to consistent inactivity as the biggest detriment to your metabolism.”

Here are recommendations from the article to increase metabolic rate and how I am taking action:

  • Move regularly–at least a few minutes every hour. I’ve purchased a jump rope!
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT). I mix sprints into my runs.
  • Strength training. I lift weights 3 times a week.
  • Eat more protein. I eat less rice and more beans and tofu.
  • Drink more water, preferably cold. I do this all day, every day.
  • Sleep at least 7 hours a night. I’m having triple pane windows installed to mute disruptive outside noises at night!

The article concludes, “Research points to the rate of your metabolism, particularly fat metabolism, being largely in your hands. It’s up to you to make lifestyle changes that will boost your metabolism and your overall health and wellness.”

Read the full article by Dana Santas:

It’s not your age that’s slowing your metabolism, new research says. Here’s what to do

With Love,

P. Gustav Mueller, author of The Present

Daily energy expenditure through the human life course, published in Science, 10/13/2021