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The Wisdom of Two Old Friends

I ascended the Eiffel Tower more quickly than I had planned, this afternoon, so I went right on to ascend the Sears/Willis Tower on the Stairmaster. As my heart beat an average of 145 times per minute, I listened to the final hour of Berkshire Hathaway‘s annual meeting. I love listening to Statler and Waldorf…I mean Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. They are so funny and so full of wisdom–nearly two centuries worth between them. In the annual meeting, they share more than nuggets about business and investing; they share lessons for life.

I highly recommend this video. It is over six hours long, so I broke it up into bits and pieces, mostly listening to it while exercising. I also recommend The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder. That was a book that I could not put down.

With Love,

P. Gustav Mueller, author of The Present