Saturday, May 6th, 2023. What to do? What to do? Do I go to the festivities surrounding the Coronation of King Charles in London to take in the unity, the history, and the pageantry? Maybe instead I should attend the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting in Omaha, Nebraska to rock out at the Woodstock of Capitalism and join kindred spirits in listening for hours to Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger share their wisdom? Or, maybe on May 6th, I simply should drive up to Glendale, Arizona to hear the King of Country, George Strait, play hit after hit after hit.
Hmmm….. I think I’ll just stay indecisive. Too many factors to weigh. I guess if I can’t make a decision, I shouldn’t. That’s easy enough. The reality is that while I wallow in indecision, these events will pass, and I’ll retain the option to watch related clips on YouTube, later, with no direct, out-of-pocket cost. I’m fine with that.
Okay, truth be told, trying to decide between the coronation, the annual meeting or the concert is mostly a tongue in cheek dilemma for me; however, the optionality is symbolic of other more personally weighty potential decisions that are on my radar.
So many variables, so many options, so many pros and cons. Too much chaos even to put into words. As for me, as for now, I choose indecisiveness. I’m okay with that. I’m grateful for my option essentially to do nothing. That’s a good place to be–not having to do anything and being okay with that.
I’ll just bob around on my surfboard, scan the horizon for a set, and wait for a wave that makes sense for me, all the while appreciating the present moment to the best of my ability.
Time for soup!
With Love,
P. Gustav Mueller, author of The Present