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Middle-aged Man Taps Abundancy Mindset for Best Year Yet!

an arrow on a target

I declared 2022 the year of the abundancy mindset. I did that to counterbalance a proclivity toward toward scarcity, defense, security, and minimalism. That proclivity remains. You know: dining out less, eating home-cooked meals, souping, fasting, taking a vow of poverty, sitting on my hands, getting excited about the homestead exemption and lower taxes, automating savings into boring investments, having utilitarian hobbies, carrying extra insurance, living mortgage free in a house armored with steel security doors and window bars, and so forth. However, I did consciously tap into the abundancy mindset earlier this year!

In late January, my firm held its annual meeting. At the meeting, “numbers” were formally shared to acknowledge individuals for their hard work and to motivate everyone. Also, presentations were given to instruct us on how to better our numbers.

For a few weeks after the meeting I contemplated the approaches of various members of the firm. I considered what ideas I could borrow and make my own. Then I created derivative tactics and goals and put them to work with the expectation that my efforts would begin to bear fruit in the back half of the year.

Well, here we are in June, and guess what? The tactics have begun to pay off, right on schedule. I am confident this will be my best year yet! Thank you, abundancy mindset.

With Love,

P. Gustav Mueller, author of The Present