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Middle-aged Man’s Second Quarter Report on New Year’s Resolutions

In January I posted my New Year’s Resolutions. Here is the Second Quarter Report for the period ending June 30, 2023.

Eat professionally prepared meals judiciously. GRADE: B. This grade improved from a C, last quarter. I took a Vow of Poverty for the month of April. While I in no way requested or expected my family to join me, my vow did rub off on them. Accordingly, we started the quarter with a strong month of not dining out or getting take-out. Our average monthly spend dropped 25% from $590/month to $442/month of which $64/month consisted of alcoholic beverages. I’m pleased with the percentage drop. I will keep the Vow of Poverty notion in mind for Q3. Maybe September would be a good month for a sequel.

Eat less for dinner. GRADE: D-. This grade remains pathetically the same. I just eat too much for dinner, and it is a major weakness. My target weight is 155lbs, and I tolerate a range from 155 – 160lbs. I am currently 162 pounds. My favorite shorts are getting tight. Not good. If this keeps up, I’m gonna get a little extreme with myself. I have been warned.

Start each weekday with 30 minutes on the elliptical. GRADE: B+. This grade dropped from an A-. I just wasn’t as consistent this quarter. Some mornings I lifted weights, and once in a blue moon I went jogging–that’s all okay. However, there were more mornings this quarter than last when I didn’t exercise at all. Gotta get back on track.

Meditate for 1 minute each day. GRADE: C+. I still suck at this. Same grade as last time. Really? I can’t sit still and zone out for 60 seconds a day?!? Get it together, dude.

Engage in Christianity every dayGRADE: A-. Doing well, here. Increased church attendance, increased scripture reading, and maintained the same level of YouTube sermons. Keep it up so you don’t screw it up!

How are your New Year’s Resolutions coming along?

With Love,

P. Gustav Mueller, author of The Present