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Austere August is on the Horizon

cold wood alcohol drink

“Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”

Isaiah 22:13

On August 3rd, 2023, I will commence Operation Austere August. I had been thinking about declaring a second Vow of Poverty in September, but that’s not soon enough. July has been tons of fun. I’ve cut back on work, spent quality time with my family, and enjoyed many activities. Also, I think I’ve blown through my three month dining out/alcohol expenditure averages in just one month!

Damn it’s been enjoyable, but also it’s been somewhat irresponsible for both my wallet and my physical fitness. Whatever exercise I’ve gotten from shoulder burn paddling out into the waves, I’ve neutralized from apres-surf gluttony and an infatuation with Hazy IPAs.

August will be a reset: beast mode at work, regular exercise, no alcohol, and nothing but beans and rice for lunch and dinner. I won’t even eat my precious lunch salads. Hardcore.

I have chosen August 3rd for the austerity to begin. Until then, I shall eat and drink.

With Love,

P. Gustav Mueller, author of The Present