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Middle-aged Man’s Second Quarter Report on Dining Out

In January I posted that I wanted to keep our average dining out spend to $635 per month. In the first quarter we came in with an average of $625. I’m pleased to report that for the second quarter we did even better at $549 per month! The $150 limit I set in April, inspired by the previous April’s Vow of Poverty, helped lower our average. We came in at $232 that month, so a little over the limit, but that’s still a very low number. We spent a total of $217 in the quarter on drinks, about half as much as the prior quarter and basically flat with the same quarter last year.

July tends to be a big month for eating out for us. I’ll have to find inspiration in last year’s Austere August, but that can wait until August!

Stay Well,

P. Gustav Mueller, author of The Present