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Vow of Poverty for a Middle-aged Man

a homeless man at a parking lot

“Earth Month takes place during April every year. It’s a time to raise environmental awareness and create consciousness around the issues that affect mother nature during this time of crisis. Every April, leaders, and environmental activists from all over the world join hands to create sustainable development and offer climate solutions, to minimize our carbon footprint and prevent further harm to our planet’s natural resources.”

In considering Earth Month, I find it a wonderful time to take a Vow of Poverty. One of the best and easiest things we can do for the Earth is dial back our consumption. I like consumption; it drives innovation, provides products and services, and creates jobs. However, the benefits of consumption must be weighed against its negative externalities, notably degradation of our planet. By taking a Vow of Poverty for the month of April, I am lowering my consumption and its deleterious effects and raising my level of “consciousness around the issues that affect mother nature.”

My Vow of Poverty coincides nicely with the fact that Earth Month is also Tax Month. On April 18th, I will join millions of Americans in paying remaining amounts owed for federal and state income taxes. Also, I will be paying the second half of my property tax by the end of the month. Redeploying cash into society this month takes a chunk out of my personal cash flow, thus making it apropos to adhere to a Vow of Poverty as a practical matter. Beyond practicality, my Vow of Poverty as it relates to tax payments will raise my consciousness of the good that our collective contributions can do and will remind me to be grateful.

What is my Vow of Poverty? For the month of April, I’m cutting out any and all unnecessary spending. If I don’t need it, I’m not buying it. If it can wait, it can wait. I realize I have left myself lots of wiggle room. How do I even define a need? My vow falls far short of perfection.

“If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.”

Matthew 19:21, NIV

Sorry JC, I ain’t going that far. I also realize my vow is an insult to the truly poor. I apologize. I’m doing the best I can.

With Love,

P. Gustav Mueller, author of The Present