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In Sickness, Health & Happiness!

I have lived with abdominal discomfort for about a month, now. Two urgent care nurse practitioners have examined me and provided theories and guidance. One theory was that my bowels were irritated because my diet consisted of too many high fiber, whole foods–fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and so forth–and too few low fiber foods. I had based my eating habits on John Mackey’s book, The Whole Foods Diet: The Life Saving Plan for Health and Longevity.

Per the fiber theory, I have relaxed my whole foods diet by consciously mixing in more low fiber foods and reducing the amount of high fiber foods. Now, instead of heaping a pile of beans into a bowl of brown rice, I sprinkle a few beans into white rice or a blend of white and brown rice. I use white flour instead of whole grain tortillas for burritos and fill them with a small amount of beans or substitute beans altogether with tofu. I eat semolina pasta instead of whole grain pasta, which tastes better so that’s an added bonus. I’ve incorporated white flour bread and bagels into my diet that I usually drizzle with olive oil. I’ve lowered my intake of fruits and vegetables, especially raw ones. I’ve taken oatmeal down to once or twice a week, and I’ve eliminated nuts and hummus, all formerly daily staples. For dessert, I partake of Tofutti Cuties that instantly soothe and satisfy! My new balance of high fiber and low fiber foods has reduced my bowel movements considerably, a part of the medical game plan to give my intestines a rest. Over time, my abdominal discomfort has moderated so perhaps this new approach is helping.

Additionally, a nurse prescribed a probiotic, Acidophilus, and that might be helping, too. Other measures I have taken include elimination of alcohol and carbonated drinks, my only vices. I have missed a cold Hefeweizen or a fine wine from time to time over the last month. A few choice bottles of Rombauer and Chateau Montelana are on the ready to celebrate my convalescence. And I do miss the occasional refreshment of a sinfully sweet, bubbly soda on ice. However, it was surprisingly easy to give up both soda and alcohol, and I’m fine carrying on without them as needed. In fact, I’ve appreciated the positive impact on our budget from not buying beer, wine, and soda as well as a reduction in my weight–about seven pounds in a month.

Finally, I have put running on hold. After my last run, I urinated blood. Hasn’t happened since, but until a doctor can figure out what’s going on, the nurse said not to stress my kidneys. Accordingly, I have been walking a lot more. I’ve been enjoying the benefits of walking. The slower pace allows me to notice more details and nuances of my environment. I find myself talking to neighbors more. Also, my son is not a runner but will go walking, so that is something we have done more of, together. Not coming back sweaty is nice, too.

My doctor’s appointment is in a few weeks, and I’ll begin to find out more. In the meantime, I’m grateful for the advice of the nurses and the tweaks to my lifestyle that have resulted in the pleasure of a more varied diet, a break from vices, and more walking. Here’s to Health and Happiness!

P. Gustav Mueller, author of The Present

Links for items mentioned in this post:
The Whole Foods Diet: The Life Saving Plan for Health and Longevity, by John Mackey
Tofutti Cuties
Chateau Montelana
Links relevant to this post:
Pueblo Vida Hef (my favorite Hefeweizen)
Acidophilus (the probiotic that I am taking)
Links for some theories that were floated for my health issues:
Too Much Fiber
Helicobacter Pylori