About a month ago, my wife told me that I talked about money too much. She was correct. I talked about money every day, multiple…
I’m starting off the new year with a new mortgage. With rates near record lows, like many people, I refinanced my home. Unlike many people,…
Ryan and Courtney Luke lived paycheck to paycheck for years. The Lukes had enslaved themselves to credit cards, car loans, and mortgage debt. Courtney’s pregnancy,…
After the United States Navy eliminated flogging around the mid-1800s, ship captains began ordering bread and water confinement for sailors in need of discipline. The…
Every weekday morning from 6:30 am – 7:30 am, my son Max and I go to a local basketball court for one hour of shooting…
Road Closed. My family and I had driven to the eastern outskirts of Tucson to a dirt road called Redington Pass. We needed to take…
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”…
After suspending extra mortgage payments in March, this month I have resumed additional payments to keep moving toward my goal of being mortgage-free by Christmas…
“The pandemic has slowed everyone down. Many of us didn’t realize how fast and constantly we were moving until we were instructed to be still.…
It’s May in Tucson and the thermometer is regularly creeping into triple digits by early afternoon. Knowing that the heat would be uncomfortable later today,…