Warren Buffett’s Annual Letters to Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. shareholders are filled with valuable insights on investing and on life in general. I am a believer…
“Get over the need to be looking for something all the time that excites you, and just get committed to doing what you know you’re…
Black Friday is the day we trample people for things we don’t need, the day after being thankful for what we have.
I read about a supersaver who turned repairs and maintenance of his house and vehicles into hobbies. In this manner he learned how things worked…
What is my primary take away after being mortgage free for one year?
“The gift is that I can always choose a life-giving perspective no matter where I am and no matter where I go. There is always…
Considering the “war, consumer debt that’s increasing, declining job growth, declining pay in the jobs that are growing, prospects of increased interest rates…what would your…