“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”…
After suspending extra mortgage payments in March, this month I have resumed additional payments to keep moving toward my goal of being mortgage-free by Christmas…
“The pandemic has slowed everyone down. Many of us didn’t realize how fast and constantly we were moving until we were instructed to be still.…
It’s May in Tucson and the thermometer is regularly creeping into triple digits by early afternoon. Knowing that the heat would be uncomfortable later today,…
Part of parenting is chauffeuring our kids around to various activities. With COVID-19, schools have moved online and activities have ground to a halt. I…
I have been paying my required mortgage payment plus 152% every month in an effort to eliminate my mortgage sooner rather than later. As COVID-19…
“Watching extended family members and friends lose their homes during the Great Recession had a profound impact on Jack Washington. … Washington began to realize…
Hygge, pronounced “hoo-guh” is a Danish word that derives from a sixteenth-century Norwegian term, hugga, meaning “to comfort” or “to console.” It is related to…
I have written several posts about my goal to pay off my mortgage early. Like the family in my recent post, Pay Off the Mortgage…
When kids are little they are happy playing in the house or at the local playground. Those activities do not cost money. Parents of young…