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Middle-aged Man’s New Year’s Resolutions 2023!

a woman writing numbers on sand with her hand

For 2023, I will:

Eat professionally prepared meals judiciously. I will reduce ordering takeout and dining out. These reductions will 1) save money and 2) increase quality control of food intake. In regard to saving money, when I do purchase prepared foods, I will order less. Also, I will favor restaurants where tipping is not expected.

Eat less for dinner. Eating less for dinner will 1) save money and 2) be good for my health. Eating less for dinner will guard against obesity and related health issues. Further, it will reduce digestive stress on my body when I am trying to sleep and thereby improve my sleep.

Start each weekday with 30 minutes on the elliptical. This will ensure cardiovascular exercise five days a week. It will get me up and going for the day and will be good for my body and my brain.

Meditate for 1 minute each day. Meditating provides many benefits, but doing it consistently has proven difficult. Accordingly, I’m setting the standard low enough, here, to be achievable, but often enough to be relevant.

Engage in Christianity every day. I will read or listen to something about Christianity every day. Engaging in Christianity every day will make me a better version of myself.

Do you have any resolutions this year?

With Love,

P. Gustav Mueller, author of The Present