I’ve listened to every Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholders’ meeting since 1994. Other than the 2020 meeting during the pandemic, this is the first one without…
Continuing with my covered call game, I bought 400 shares of SJM at $124.51 on 3/20/2024 and sold 4 call contracts against the position for…
Last April I took a Vow of Poverty. I’m not reaching that far this April. However, I am going to try to spend no more…
Continuing with my covered call game, this morning I bought 400 shares of SJM at $124.51 and sold 4 call contracts against the position for…
I noticed the other day that my insurance premiums had skyrocketed. Upon calling my insurer, I learned that now that our minor son is a…
On March 6th I posted about returning to an old hobby: selling covered calls. SJM closed above my strike price of $120, and thus my…
Doug Demuro, car enthusiast extraordinaire, is selling his long-held, beloved 1997 Land Rover Defender on CarsandBids.com. In this video, Demuro infuses the pitch for his…
Today I decided to get back into position trading via covered calls. I used to have so much fun doing that. I first got into…
I went jogging last weekend for the first time in months. Happily, I had no issue getting back into it. I use an elliptical machine…
I’ve happened upon several articles in the last few months that discuss how many years it takes to break even on a home purchased under…