On Saturday, 2.22.25, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. filed its annual report, which, of course, begins with Warren Buffett’s much anticipated introductory letter to shareholders. I highly…
In early December, I posted that I was going nuclear on improving at surfing. Accordingly, for Christmas, I presented my family with the gift of…
On the way home from a recent snowboarding trip we worked in some offroading in Sedona, Arizona. We tackled the Broken Arrow Trail, one of…
What is my primary take away after being mortgage free for one year?
“The gift is that I can always choose a life-giving perspective no matter where I am and no matter where I go. There is always…
Okay, I’m not betting the ranch; you need only read my posts about paying off the mortgage to know that. Nor am I desperate other…
!!! UPDATED IN 2023: PLEASE READ MY 2023 POST FOR AN IMPORTANT UPDATE !!! On January 1st, 2022, Arizona’s homestead exemption will rise from $150,000…
Rare is the day that I can walk around my Sam Hughes neighborhood in Tucson, Arizona without encountering a homeless person. It’s not Skid Row…
A 529 plan is a savings plan designed to help pay for education. Here are some 529 plan basics: Contributions can be tax deductible on…